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Cameron Village Corner to be Redeveloped

TBJ reported (with a rendering ) on Friday that Crescent Resources , a real estate corporation out of Charlotte, has plans to redevelop the largely-vacant Cameron Village corner at Oberlin and Clark/Peace with a residential and retail complex. It will be one of Crescent’s first true mixed use projects.

The project must first pass muster with neighbors who have a reputation for fearing change. While the structure is reported to be up to 120 feet tall, the height is likely determined to be from the project’s true base, the parking area for the old Balentine’s lower level, which is roughly 30 feet below the Oberlin Rd. elevation.

We’ll learn much more about this project on July 15 when there will be a public hearing at City Hall.

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  • Ernest Said:

    EXACTLY the kind of redevelopment Cameron Village needs. While the latter is a far cry from the typical shopping centers, it is still a shopping center. Making it a mixed-use destination would greatly benefit that area.

    I can hear the NIMBYs from a mile way screaming “traffic”. I can also hear voices about how tall this building would be… Tall enough to hide the sun :LOL:

  • David Said:

    Rendering is good especially considering the structure it is replacing.

  • Jenna Said:

    I can’t figure out which direction this rendering is supposed to face. Maybe the small structure to the left is McDonald’s and we’re seeing it from the Post Office?

  • Dana Said:

    Yes, Jenna, you are exactly right. We are standing across from McDonald’s looking toward Balentine’s.

    It’s hard to tell from this photo just what the project entails. I’ve already seen criticism posted in the internet but all we can really get from this watercolor is an idea of the massing. When we hear 120′, we start thinking “tower” which gets me worried will have another anti-tower, NIMBY movement in that area of town. While it would be nice to have the entire Cameron Village project as a 3-stories of condos over retail kind of thing, it isn’t realistic to wipe the slate clean, so this is the only property (other than the Kerr drugs) that can be densified.

    To be honest, though, I don’t think the structure depicted here looks very imposing at all. The current building is about 90′ high from its base, so I don’t think that another 3 stories is going to “ruin” the neighborhood. If anything, it will be a symbol that the area of town is NOT forgotten and totally asleep. I lived over there for about 2 years and it was extremely nerve wracking how slowly people move around there.

  • Enigma Said:

    It’s really nice to see the positive comments about the much needed proposed redevelopment in this area of Cameron Village. We should do our best to have our voices of support heard to help counter the NIMBY’s canned opposition arguments. Although they successfully won opposing the Coker “towers” development years ago, they now say this project is as visually distastful as their “victory” resulted in down the street. Let’s provide some public support at the next Planning Commission meeting scheduled next Tuesday!

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