
111 Seaboard Undergoing Facelift

111 Seaboard was planned as another low-rise condo project in downtown Raleigh. However with the real estate market taking its turn, owners have decided to renovate the existing structure for now.

The building will be transformed into a very visible and accessible office and retail strip that stands at both the entrance to Seaboard Station and at the northern gateway to all of downtown Raleigh. Spaces range from 1,100 square feet up to 10,000 square feet, all of which can be subdivided.

Along with facade improvements, the owners will open up the rear of the building (facing south), exposing the space to the rest of downtown. The anticipated availability date is late summer.

  • John

    Interesting news. I park in front of this building every day along Seaboard Avenue. I think state employees are in for a rude awakening when this rennovation happens as I imagine they will no longer be allowed to park there to allow for parking for these anticipated new shops and offices.

    I wonder if this place will be ready by summer. Aside from a few crews salvaging material there a few months ago there has been almost no activity at this site in recent months and I imagine it has a way to go before being completed. Either way, more retail downtown will be a great thing and a great addition to the Seaboard station area. I will be keeping an eye on this location. Thanks for the news!

  • http://www.raleighmsa.com Ernest

    Retail without residents will not work… If we haven’t learned that much, then we are setting ourselves up for failure. I am not sure that renovating is the best thing to do, as we’ll see this parcel underutilized for the years to come. I’d rather wait another 2-3 years for something better.

    On the other hand, I understand that it is tough to keep that property locked, without generating some income, and by no means I try to be harsh towards the developers.

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