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RBC Center Gets New Scoreboard

jumbotron Say goodbye to the RBC Center’s old scoreboard . Installation has begun on its replacement, which is rumored to be much like the impressive display/scoreboard in Newark’s Prudential Center. The new display will be “state-of-the-art” (whatever that means) and feature much-needed High Definition video on four sides.

Follow the scoreboard assembly progress by checking in on the RBC Center’s Roofcam .

UPDATE: This will be a Daktronics double-HD display with two ribbon boards. CanesVision has put together a fantastic blog documenting the process of dismantling both the scoreboard and the old SD control room. ( Thanks Jonathan! )


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  • Bruce in NC Said:

    Good deal. I hope the improvements in audio are as impressive as that of the video.

  • Jonathan Hawkins Said:

    The Canes Vision folks have a great blog going to track the project. You can find it here: http://canesvision-hd.blogspot.com/

    They confirm on there that it will in fact be essentially the same design as the Prudential Center videoboard. Here is a schematic of the exact board they are installing: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Vr9UptUKqCA/SiQImZcAgNI/AAAAAAAAAEg/DYCTujs_hYs/s1600-h/DAK+DAY+1+018b.jpg

  • CarnifeX Said:

    Bruce, would you say the audio needs improvement? I’ve been very impressed with that aspect of the arena since their last upgrade in 2006 after winning The Cup. I can feel the bass from that system during games.

    It’s my understanding that “state-of-the-art” means HD and LED.

  • Ron T Said:

    Fascinating….zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, wait any news on Columbus, OH? LOL Good thing other Raleigh sites are keeping up with new restaurants and the new SECU building planned for downtown.

  • Dana Said:

    Ron, For your information, your city, county, and state tax dollars went into subsidizing a massive facility risk for a private business. Should that business fail, as those in comparable cities currently are, it will cost us, the taxpayers, a fortune. (have you compared your property tax bills to those you got just five years ago? Notice restaurant prices climbing?) The viability of this facility is of extreme importance to this area (as opposed to some sandwich store). Ignoring what other cities are doing with similar situations is a recipe for outright failure (something at which the federal government has become quite skilled).

    In all honesty, this scoreboard is the most exciting development in Raleigh since the Lego store was announced. If we are going to beat our chests as a “high-tech” area, we better not be showing the rest of the continent something equivalent to the Ford Taurus. The Dallas Cowboys aren’t putting up a $40 million HDTV (the largest HD screen in the world) because of a Myopia epidemic in Dallas.

  • Jonathan Hawkins Said:

    Bruce and CarnifeX,

    The audio system in the RBC Center was completely replaced during the 2008 summer. If you were able to make it to any games this season you may have noticed that it is much crisper and clearer now, and the bass can be pretty booming.

  • Nick Said:

    This is great for the Canes. And the Tar Heels, who get to call this building home once a year.

  • Dana Said:

    Carnife, I just hate the term “state-of-the-art” because it implies that the person talking is actually up-to-date on what they are talking about. For instance, someone was trying to tell me about how AppleTV is “state-of-the-art”. Obviously he’s never touched Windows Media Center with 8 CableCards and a stack of HDHomeruns. Get my drift?

    What might be interesting to follow is what is going on with the scoreboard in Sunrise, FL. That building was basically put together by Dean Jordan, who then left and came here to help GaleForce build this one. There are many similarities with the buildings, including the scoreboard.


  • Bruce in NC Said:

    Hi CarnifeX and Jonathan.

    I should have elaborated when writing my comment. I agree the music is definitely not a problem nor are live segments when they are quizzing fans in the arena during gamebreaks. But in between periods or during commercial breaks I do find it difficult to understand what is being said if they are broadcasting an interview with the players etc. Maybe that has more to do with the taped segment itself rather than the actual audio within the arena.

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