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Bank Of America Installing Drive-Thru ATMs at North Hills

The way North Hills mall approaches the intersection with Lassiter Mill Road has always created an odd triangle of land. It has been used as a small overflow parking lot and a staging area for North Hills construction projects. Earlier this year Bank of America moved from of its doomed building across Six Forks from the fire station to the space in North Hills next to Total Wine. The problem with that space is that it doesn’t provide for drive thru tellers or a convenient ATM.

Construction recently began on the little triangle of land and yesterday it was revealed that it will be remade to house a pair of drive-up ATM machines. While the location is not ideal given its distance from the BOA branch, it is a clever use of a forgotten piece of land that, for over 40 years, nobody has put to good use.

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  • http://www.keefermadness.com Ryan Keefer

    “drive-up ATM machines” is redundant drive-up ATM’s is sufficient.

  • Dana

    Very true, Ryan, haha!

    Mind you, though, that this is the bank that changed its name from “North Carolina National Bank” to “NCNB National Bank” :)

    Now I gotta go fix my hot water heater.

  • Justin

    How about RBC Bank – Royal Bank of Canada Bank.

  • Phil

    Anyone know what’s happening to the old BOA property?

  • http://www.danamccall.com Dana

    BB&T is tearing down theirs and BOA’s to build one new building similar to the one on Kildaire.


  • Matt K.

    Well, this finally alleviates the puzzlement I experienced when I attempted to visit the old BoA branch 3 weeks ago and found it closed for business! I like that there are drive-up ATM’s coming, even if it’s on a separate parcel of land. The ATM at the old building required you to park your car and walk up outside. Not that North Hills is a risky area, but I never feel too comfortable making a cash withdrawal outdoors alone.

  • John

    I have been watching this over the last few weeks and it strikes me as what’s really wrong with our suburban car culture in America. The physical machine takes up but a tiny footprint yet there’s this huge amount of space devoted to it so that cars can cue up to use it. Isn’t the point of North Hills to be a more walkable/sustainable environment that is focused on people instead of cars? While I know that cars a still a huge dependency and will be for some time to come, it still seems ridiculous to me to have this machine’s footprint multiplied countless times just to accommodate our use of it from cars. That’s just my opinion.

