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WRAL iPhone App Goes 2.0

WRALapp WRAL has just released version 2.0 of their free substitute browser on the iPhone . The new version allows readers to forward stories to Facebook, Twitter, email, and SMS. It also features a tiny current weather in the upper right, so there is no need for one on the lower menu bar any more. The update also allows one to skip to the next story while viewing an individual article.

A long-awaited feature is the ability to lock/unlock rotation. It is hidden in More | Settings. I’m not sure if this is new in 2.0, per se. While it is nice to have the ability to change rotation, it still is not what I suggested. I’d like to see WRAL’s app behave like Safari where it rotates for three orientations, but does not the phone’s top side is down. Safari’s configuration is the best when lying in best, to be honest.

Finally a word of warning; this app is very crashy (even more than normal iPhone apps!). The majority of the time that I skip to the next story the app crashes. Several times it crashed when jumping in and out of news sections. Unless you are incredibly excited about the sharing features, I’d wait until 2.1.

  • Adam K.

    How about an app for the Droid? That is what they need to be doing.

  • Lee

    Why wait for 2.1? The WRAL App, while a very good app for local news, crashed all the time under pretty much ever version since it was introduced.

    Pretty much half the time the screen rotated, the navigation buttons would not go with it and it dumped out all teh time like you mentioned. Hopefully tyhe screen lock will at least keep the rotation from being an issue.

  • http://wral.com John Conway

    Thanks for the post on version 2.0 of the WRAL iPhone app. We are interested to learn more about reports of crashes and specific activities being performed when a crash occurs. We have tested the app on all versions of the iPhone (and the iTouch), and we have not encountered the problems reported here.

    There is a “Report a bug” link in the About menu that we encourage app users to follow if they encounter problems. This will get feedback directly to our developers.

