The Latest in Retail, Entertainment, and Development in Raleigh Mon, 24 Aug 2015 02:32:00 +0000 hourly 1 Fri, 31 Dec 2010 15:52:41 +0000 […] N.C. Museum of Art Opens New Building […]

]]> Wed, 28 Apr 2010 21:55:55 +0000 The new NCMA building is the most technologically advanced art museum building ever built in the world. It will quickly become an internationally recognized iconic building. The indoor-outdoor design perfectly suits the largest art-park in America and feels welcoming and inspiring. Some of the outdoor areas have the feeling of a Parisian courtyard. It is the first building we should show visitors and will be the most-visited building in NC very quickly. I’m so proud of NC for taking it modern and techno rather than sticking with tired old architectural styles.

]]> Wed, 28 Apr 2010 04:49:09 +0000 There was no doubt which camp you are in based on how you presented the museum in this post. You didn’t even have to say it. But, I guess it’s your blog and you’ll do with it as you wish.
The reality is that no solution would please everyone. If they had spent 3X as much for a so called “grand” building, people would have complained about the expenditure. So, since you can’t please everyone, you might as well please the art…and from what I can tell, they accomplished that task.

]]> Tue, 27 Apr 2010 14:09:57 +0000 Yes, cynical is another word for pessimistic, and that is what some of the commenters here are being. I echo what Fraiser Lyon is saying. It doesn’t matter to me that the outside looks like a basic metal building. When you get closer to it, you see very quickly that it is not. And the importance of this museum is what is inside. All on one floor, very easy to navigate around (unlike the old building) and very brighly natually lit (unlike the old building). They’ve added some very nice pieces to the collection.

We do not have a right to have art museums, we are lucky enough to live in an area that values them.
Our museum was nice before, but now it is new and improved. I was never a member in the past, but now I am because I’ll be there more often. And if people are turned off by the exterior, it will just be less crowds inside when I visit.

]]> Tue, 27 Apr 2010 00:07:43 +0000 well, i went. my opinion is unchanged. the inside, as i assumed from pictures, is amazing and does not disappoint.

here’s the hitch, after walking out of that gorgeous interior, i found the exterior even more glaringly hideous.

the building does not blend, or melt away in to the landscape. if that is what the architect thinks, where the heck was he standing when he designed it!

my final verdict, interior:A+, exterior:F

]]> Mon, 26 Apr 2010 16:51:11 +0000 Its Raleigh – don’t ever expect anything to look good. Haven’t you seen the buildings they allow downtown? That being said, the new museum is incredible if you go into it.

]]> Mon, 26 Apr 2010 15:53:20 +0000 If you feel it isn’t much from the street, then you are essentially echoing exactly my argument which you later call “cynical”. Like I said, the experience INSIDE the buildling is excellent, so we agree there, too.

However I would MUCH prefer to have a building exterior like the Randall Stout-designed Taubman (in Roanoke – see the link in the story) which, coincidentally, cost EXACTLY the same per foot to build, $567.
(though I can’t believe they painted the walls red in that section pictured).

Thomas Phifer is determined to build transparent buddings, and actually said on Saturday that this aluminum cladding blends in with the landscape. Wow. Also about 99.9% of his presentation was about the internal experience. Larry Wheeler stated that they wanted the “polar opposite” of the 1980’s building, which means that an objective of establishing some visual connection between the two was purposely ignored, resulting in a stark dissonance at the center of the campus.

Maybe you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. However the worlds greatest buildings make exterior statements. Human nature desires a statement. Why is one of the longest-running shows on cable TV “Curb Appeal”? The exterior counts.

]]> Mon, 26 Apr 2010 15:05:05 +0000 I should correct my mistake in that the movies aren’t free (unless you are a member) but they are still only $4.00.

]]> Mon, 26 Apr 2010 14:56:49 +0000 It doesn’t look like much from the street but I found the new building to be quite beautiful once I got up close to it. It is modern and sleek and I think really updates our area and brings it into this century. We have some really wonderful art in our museum but I never found the old ’70’s building to be very inviting. This new one is bright and I love that it is green also. We are so forutnate to have it here in our own backyard!

Add in the fact that admission is FREE and they show free movies on the grounds during the summer. How could anyone knock our museum? I’m very disappointed that you would be so cynical.

]]> Sat, 24 Apr 2010 22:06:16 +0000 I love it. I think the important thing about a place that houses art is how it presents the art. I could care less what the outside looks like really. Especially since it is in the middle of a field and not in an urban area. For my money I have been in very few museums that I thought presented the art inside in a better way than this one does. A week after going I still remember the feeling of experiencing the art inside which is something I can say for very few museums I’ve visited around the world. I think from that perspective this new space is an absolute home run. I will admit that I remember much more about the structure of the East Gallery in DC or the Vatican Museum or even the Lourve, but as far as remembering the art this place far surpasses those structures. Say what you will about the purpose of public spaces, but if the purpose of an art museum is to give the visitor an opportunity to experience the art inside this place is tops.

]]> Sat, 24 Apr 2010 19:55:42 +0000 That’s exactly it, Jason. As I was listening to Larry Wheeler, Thomas Phifer, and others with the project argue its merits today, I really thought about the _people_ who paid for this facility, and how they really break down into 3 categories: Those who love art and “get it”, those who will never “get it”, and the enormous group of the ambivalent.

The building, especially its interior, does an outstanding job of addressing that first crowd. It is a perfect sermon to the choir. A _public_ building, however, needs to address this middle group. It needs to say,”Come on in! Explore what I have to offer”. Unfortunately this building is quite the opposite. The hospital a block away does this better, but DO NOT want to go in there!

The museum almost addresses this portion of the population with contempt. “Oh, you don’t get it, then don’t bother”. That’s exactly the attitude conveyed already in this thread, and precisely NOT what the government needs to be conveying. If the NCMA wants to be an exclusive body, then they can find their own funding, but I don’t think the hard workers there really want to experience what the free market is like.

I cited two examples of art museums that don’t convey that attitude without dumbing down the experience, and there are countless others. I wish the NCMA were one.

]]> Sat, 24 Apr 2010 19:17:17 +0000 yeah, i know. the thing is, for me anyways, the building is not inviting in the least. it doesn’t even look like a museum. an art museum should make you interested in the outside, and want to see the inside. the new expansion just makes me wonder why they put the storage warehouse in the front???!!! its not inviting, interesting, cool, nothing. it is nothing more than a fancy warehouse. the new terminal at rdu is more interesting, the quintiles building in rtp is more interesting. the inside looks amazing. they should have carried some of that to the outside.

]]> Sat, 24 Apr 2010 19:15:36 +0000 Watchmen, of course I didn’t see you at the architectural discussion of the building today, so I’ll have to reply here.

If you were educated around here, then you certainly were taught better argumentative writing skills than that. I welcome well constructed argument, here, especially by people who have actually visited the facility. However your comment shows that you really didn’t read the article, as it is not an art critique.

]]> Sat, 24 Apr 2010 18:49:19 +0000 Stick to reporting on retail, as you know nothing of art

]]> Sat, 24 Apr 2010 16:43:13 +0000 Don’t judge a book by its cover. Wow, did I really have to say that?

]]> Sat, 24 Apr 2010 12:32:26 +0000 how about this……’s awful. i’m incredibly disappointed that they spent so much money and we ended up with another ‘warehouse’ looking eyesore. i’m sure its beautiful on the inside, but first impressions are everything, and the new expansions first impression is one of unfinished dread. i had friends in town a few weekends ago and as we were driving past they inquired about “that warehouse looking building” in front of the museum. yeah, thats a great reaction to $75 million dollars worth of architecture.
