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Talk About The Passion (1985)

I believe this is from Meredith College back in 1985

  • Seann

    Great audio!

  • Doug

    I was there and took pictures, and the stage and outfits match my memories. Doesn’t mean it was Meredith for sure though.

  • Oberlin

    I’m pretty sure it is Meredith.. This clip has The Connells opening for them:


  • http://proactivebusybody.com Abby

    I saw them live a lot during this period. There’s nothing better. Thanks for posting this. And yes, GREAT AUDIO! Bummed it didn’t continue. I love me some Driver 8!

    Michael was so full of stage fright back then, but MAN he was adorable.

  • http://www.danamccall.com Dana

