
Z-19-08 Plan Brings Mixed-Use to East Downtown

z1908 The City Council heard discussion last night surrounding a yet-to-be-named project headed by Gordon Smith (of Exploris fame). The property bounded by Hargett, East, Martin, and Bloodworth Streets once contained 15 small houses. Those have been cleared to make way for a 4-story mixed-use building. The complex will feature street level retail on all four facades, 220-230 units of market-rate rental units across 3 floors, and an internal parking structure. map it

Two representatives from the neighboring area spoke in favor of the project, which was originally proposed to by much larger. While complementing the developer’s willingness to engage neighborhood opinion, they outlined two distressing aspects. Neighbors want a small community grocery store to be included in the project. The developer has pledged to his best to address this concern.

The second issue regards the “market-rate rental” space that will occupy the residential areas of the complex. Lonnette Williams (Central CAC Chair) cited an 85% renter-occupancy rate in the immediate area, but seemed comforted by the long-term plan to convert the project to condominiums.

At this point the project, publicly known as Z-19-08, has minimal information online . WRAL covered this story the day of the CAC meeting. According to reports, the history of the neighbors’ opinions has been an enigma. The CAC meeting was apparently full of much dissent, yet the final vote was and emphatically FOR the rezoning that will allow the project’s construction. Keep checking here as more info comes about.

  • http://www.raleighmsa.com Ernest

    This project has the potential to create momentum for the Moore Square area. Too bad it cannot be bigger and taller – at least 6 floors – but even as is it opens up a window of opportunity for other similar visions in that area.

  • Ron T

    I agree with Ernest that this will push the Moore Square area along. I’m mixed on the height, I think just a couple more floors would help bring more people downtown, but not be out of character with the neighborhood. The design is not very inspirational or interesting – is that a smaller Dawson cake top look? But, after visiting Atlanta and seeing a series of missed opportunities in Midtown and Buckhead, I am thrilled to see the continuation of first floor retail downtown. I think that ultimately will be what makes Raleigh’s downtown great. I am already finding myself walking more often downtown.

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