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Goodberry’s Coming to Cameron Village

Goodberry’s frozen custard will be opening this summer in the space once occupied by Hold Your Own. More into is available in Sue Stock’s column today .

  • http://ncsulilwolf.blogspot.com Lisa Jeffries

    Wooooh! I wonder which is closer for me now… CV or Garner!

  • Jenna

    There goes my diet!

  • VaNC

    Oh, no, this is not good news. For my diet or for Baskin Robbins.

  • baskinhater

    Are you seriously comparing goodberry’s to baskin robbins? you are OUT of your mind. Goodberry’s is homemade, baskin robbins is shipped in. Baskin robbins is also more expensive and it isn’t even quality. just crap.

    Goodberrys is an AMAZING addition to cameron village and will bring the shopping center a lot of business

  • http://www.aoarchitect.com Andy O

    Goodberry’s Cameron Village is open! They serve pie.

