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Blue Angels Appearing in Goldsboro

BlueAngels Seymour Johnson Air Force Base will be the host of the Wings of Wayne Air Show on Saturday and Sunday. The feature presentation will be by the Blue Angels at 3:00pm. Also performing will be a “Fat Albert” C-130 with JATO Takeoff, the GEICO SkyTypers, Tora! Tora! Tora! (Pearl Harbor Re-enactment), and many small plane stunt pilots.

If you cannot make either day’s show, be sure to keep an eye on the sky in Raleigh as the SkyTypers are sure to make their return to our airspace.

  • http://mynetworkproject.blogspot.com Andres

    This is usually a great show. I moved to NC because of the Air Force and we were stationed at Seymour Johnson. This show was always a highlight.

  • Ron T

    While I am sure this is a great show. I am sitting here wondering who is paying for this? Am I as a taxpayer under a federal government that has the LARGEST debtload in the world and is blisfully still spending spending spending?

  • Vinny


