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Calendars Page Gets Overhaul

Cal_pg Calendar fans will he happy to see that the gogoraleigh Calendars Page has received a complete overhaul. The page begins with a list of links to instructions for popular devices. To simplify the delivery of calendars in a myriad of formats, the collection of calendars has been condensed into a simple table. Not only will this help users quickly find existing calendars, but the pertinent rows will now be delivered in each Calendar update post. Finally, an XML link for each calendar has been added to assist those who need this link for their calendar system.

Hopefully you are enjoying the set of calendars. It is a lot of work to maintain the set, however why should everyone have to do the work when one person is getting it right?! Seriously, thank you for making this project worth it.

The next updates you should see, in addition to the standard rolling additions to the gogoraleigh calendar, will come as ACC football game times are announced. These are usually not known until just under two weeks from game time, but you can count on gogoraleigh to get these updates to you as soon as possible.

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