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Download The Ultimate ACC Tournament Guide

ACCTourneyBk Now you can download the ultimate guide to the ACC Tournament. The 16-page booklet contains player and team statistics, schedule information, and tournament brackets. It’s must-have for any ACC basketball fan, and it’s FREE! Follow these instructions for assembly:

  • Download ACCGuide2010.pdf
  • Print the guide on front and back (duplex along short edge)
  • Stack the pages in the following manner:
    • Position Virginia in the upper left
    • On top of that, add the next page so Va. Tech is in the upper left.
    • On top of that, add the next page so that Miami is in the upper left.
    • Finally, place the page with UNC in the upper left.
  • Fold into a booklet, and staple to bind. (If you do not have a long stapler, just do your best near the top and bottom of the fold.

The final product shows the UVA/BC, WFU/Miami, GT/UNC, and Clemson/NCSU game information on facing pages.

  • Doug

    This rocks, thanks for filling my “ACC Handbook” fix for this year.

  • http://www.danamccall.com Dana

    Yes, Doug. I, too, am one of the ones who misses the ACC Handbook. For some reason I am able to wrap my head around the conference’s best players and teams after seeing it all on paper.

