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Chevy Volt Ride and Drive Coming to Raleigh

volt On Monday (November 1) the Chevy Volt 12-city Unplugged Tour will roll into Raleigh’s City Plaza. From 8:30am to 10:00am residents will get the chance to ride and drive the Volt, the world’s first electric vehicle with extended-range capability. In order to test drive, one must be at least 21 years of age and have a valid driver’s license.

On a fully charged battery and tank of gas, the Volt has a driving range of hundreds of miles. Because the Volt can use gas to create its own electricity in extended-range mode, long trips are possible. However, the Volt is primarily powered from electricity stored in its 16-kWh lithium-ion battery which is typically offers a range of 25 to 50 miles (depending on terrain, driving technique, temperature and battery age). When the Volt’s battery runs low, a gas engine-generator seamlessly engages to extend the driving range.

Note: Drives are on a first-come, first-serve basis.

(What I’d like to know is why Raleigh only gets this tour for 1.5hrs when other cities on the tour get at least a half day. The following city on the tour is New York, but their event doesn’t begin until the 5th. Perhaps the tour has some private engagements during the week in a city that lies between Raleigh and New York?? While I’m glad we got a tour date, likely buyers of this car in this market, who are not real estate agents, are extremely unlikely to be able to get away from work first-thing Monday morning.)

  • Subway Scoundrel

    The hour and half is in Raleigh only. There are other Triangle visits later that day in RTP, especially at one company that the car has their products installed. So there is more than 1 1/2 hours.

  • http://ncsulilwolf.blogspot.com Lisa Jeffries

    You’re right about other engagements – I myself got invited to a Monday night event… I think it may be at DesignBox? I tweeted/facebooked about it earlier this week when I rsvp’ed on Eventbrite.

  • Sue

    Echo what others have said. I know of at least three other restricted events – the 1.5 hours is the one open to the general public.

