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RDU Terminal 1 Renderings Updated

term1 TBJ reported yesterday that some updated renderings for RDU are available.

Can you say “lipstick on a pig”? First of all, I don’t understand architects’ fascination with pulling rainwater back into buildings. This is a design that has failed time and time again. Secondly, what in the world are we doing dropping a dime into this facility for anything other than tearing it down? The terminal was originally supposed to be a hangar, and got a last minute upfit for short-term terminal space. Renovating this terminal is another step in the airport authority’s history of blowing money hundreds of millions of dollars at a time. There is a reason that people love airports like TPA, they are designed well and handle future growth well.

[ Renderings at TBJ ]


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  • Tony Said:

    The gates and ticketing area renderings look like they do now. So the “renovation” is that they tilted up the front of the building?

  • ct Said:

    It’s prudent to keep T1. For one thing, if T2 is shut down for some reason — i.e., serious fire or even roof collapse (which actually happened to the old Terminal C), T1 provides a way to maintain service. T1 also provides a means to serve the occasional non-scheduled need; in the Gulf War, if I recall correctly, the old 1954 terminal was pressed back into service for military charters. Finally, T1 provides inexpensive expansion space for future airline entrants, should there be any. Westjet, Virgin America, Spirit, Frontier, Allegiant… these airlines come and go, and T1 is a natural home for any that might want to serve RDU.

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