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BB&T Plans for New North Hills Office

As reported here in June of 2008, BB&T will not only be razing their current office at Six Forks and Rowan, they will also raze the neighboring building that once house Bank of America. The site plan (.pdf) shows a replacement 2-story 7,146 square foot office building purported to be similar to the one on Kildaire Farms Road (near Maynard).

Unfortunately the building will sit against its rear property line, making pedestrians navigate the moat of parking in order to access the building. What is interesting about this project, however, is the 5-lane wide drive-thru plaza. The plaza is oriented such that all lanes have satellite delivery (none abuts the building), and travel is perpendicular to the building; very odd. The site plan gives no indication as to traffic flow for the Six Forks Road access, however this will most likely be a right-in/right-out access. (It appears that the trend in this area is to limit yellow line crossings in between signaled intersections.)

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  • John

    It would seem that N. Hills is struggling to find its balance between its suburban history and its more urban future. I expect that the path to a more pedestrian and new-urban future will not be straight one and that there will be examples like this site plan that still gives a huge priority to the automobile.

  • http://www.raleighmsa.com Ernest

    I agree with John’s comments. North Hills will be an uphill battle and a great example of missed opportunities. I do not know who is responsible for this mess, but many of our city leaders promised things they do not seem to deliver. Better urban guidelines are not their priority, I can say that much.

    Regardless of how you feel about John Kane’s work, he seems to have found a good balance between the area’s past (suburban) and future (urban) identity. Too bad he is alone on this :(

  • John

    Yeah, but didn’t Mr. Kane strong arm the city to deliver concessions in order to provide his balanced project? At least that’s what I heard.
    In the end, I think the work going on in N. Hills is basically good and would like to see other examples of this sort of high density development occuring in other parts of the city.
    Frankly, I wish someone would assemble and redevelop the land between West St. and Capital Blvd to the south of Peace St. I’d also like to see something significant happen in the former Devereux Meadows ballfield to the North of Peace and west of Capital.

  • http://www.raleighmsa.com Ernest

    I am not 100% certain I understand the question, but I will try to answer, at the risk of being off-topic. North Hills East pretty much allowed for what Kane wanted to deliver, both in terms of density and height. The latter is limited to 365ft/35 stories (the combination of height and floors count may be for residential buildings and/or hotels). I am sure that some changes had to be made, but a high profile project such as NHE is hard to resist if you are a city leader.

    A big debate was created when Kane tried to get incentives for building a parking deck, something that some could see as long-term benefit for the city, but coming up with $75 million isn’t exactly ideal for times like this. Considering how other cities throw money left and right to offer incentives – Durham and their doubling of incentives for the redevelopment of SunTrust building comes to mind – what Kane was trying to get was more than reasonable, IMO. Besides, the county would also participate. I did not support this TIF, but Kane got more negative comments than he deserved. The fact that his project (NHE) remains the largest one in Raleigh under construction, in tough times like this, says a lot. Not to mention that it begin to look pretty nice.

    Back to the topic, I wonder if Kane could do a swap in the future with BB&T. Or better, do that before they break ground. Offer them some space in North Hills (West), or North Hills East and be done with it. Easier said than done, I guess :(

  • Owen E

    Funny that the BB&T office building at Kildare Farm & Maynard actually sits at the FRONT lot line, abutting the sidewalk nicely, in a neighborhood where that’s extremely unusual, and the one at North Hills is set back, in an area that’s trying to become more walkable.

    http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Cary,NC&sll=35.560841,139.719872&sspn=0.009129,0.014977&ie=UTF8≪=35.772074,-78.781714&spn=0.01821,0.029955&z=15&layer=c&cbll=35.772185,-78.781728&panoid=G58D8o5e7lGVB0aAw_n9Qw&cbp=12,248.93 ,,0,8.22

