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Electronic calendar users rejoice! Gogoraleigh.com is your home to numerous useful downloadable calendars in .CSV, .ICS, and Google Calendar formats. Click on your device:

Wake County Public School System 2016-2017

CSV File Google
Traditional CSV 2017 google_calendar_fluid
Yr round – Track 1 CSV 2017 google_calendar_fluid
Yr round – Track 2 CSV 2017 google_calendar_fluid
Yr round – Track 3 CSV 2017 google_calendar_fluid
Yr round – Track 4 CSV 2017 google_calendar_fluid
Modified Calendar CSV 2017 google_calendar_fluid

Outlook Users CSV

  • Download the appropriate CSV file from the table above .
  • Create a new folder in your in Outlook calendar (Bball17, for example). Use the File | Import and Export… to import from “another program or file”, then “Comma Separated File (Windows)”. This will set up the schedule in your new sub-calendar where you can make whatever changes you want.
  • iPhone Users – After completing the Outlook Calendar import step, sync your phone to Outlook. Now you can view the schedule on its own or included with all calendars.
  • When you are happy with the way the subcalendar looks, change the calendar view to “Events” (instead of 7-day or 31-Day or whatever view you’re using). “Select All” from the list, and drag them over to your main “Calendar” (The Treo and other Palm Handhelds only sync to the main calendar – time for Palm to get with the program on that one!). If you want to keep your sub-calendar intact, use Ctrl-drag instead of plain drag. That will create a copy of each event to the main Calendar and keep the Bball10 calendar in place. Sync your handheld to copy the events to the handheld.

iCal Users

Subscribe directly to the “ICAL” link from the table . Right-click on the link and copy the link location. Open iCal and on the Calendar menu, click Subscribe. Paste the ICAL link into the URL box and click Subscribe.

iPhone Users CSV

There are many ways to subscribe to these calendars on the iPhone. The best way (for now) to integrate calendars on the iPhone is to link the phone to your Google Calendar account. First, get a Google account. Then, return to this gogoraleigh page and subscribe to interesting calendars by clicking on the appropriate Google Calendar links from the table . Then, connect your phone to your Google Calendar account using Step 1 here , then Step 2 here . It will take you about 10 minutes to set all of this up, but you’ll love how smoothly the calendars work.

For users who sync to Outlook and don’t use Google Calendar, refer to the Outlook Section above. The advantage of this method is that you can edit your own events. The disadvantage is that you will not get dynamic updates as, for instance, game times and TV info get changed.

One can also subscribe to the ICS links from the table . (There are different ways to do this. Ideally you are supposed to click on one of the green ICAL links and the phone automatically subscribes to the feed. I wasn’t able to get this working, though. This is the method I would like to suggest, as offering a dead-simple “Subscribe” button on this page would be ideal Alternatively, you can press and hold the ICAL icon for the desired calendar, and then select Copy. Then go through the iPhone’s Settings | Mail, Contacts, Calendars | Add Account… | Other | Add Subscribed Calendar. Press and hold the in the “Server” box, then hit “Copy”. This will add a subscribed calendar to your iPhone. This works well with short calendars, but can bog down the phone for giant calendars with hundreds of events.

Google Calendar/Android Users google_calendar_fluid

Add the calendars to your set of Google Calendars by clicking on the event’s Google Calendar icon from the table , then clicking calendar_plus_en icon in the bottom right corner. For Android phone users, view your calendar, click the hard Info button, More, My Calendars. Then select your new calendar. (If the calendar does not appear, try Info | More | Info | Add Calendars.)


Calendars are apt to change, so check back occasionally for updates. To determine the version of your schedule, open the note associated with any event, and look for the version number. If your calendar is older than those listed above, simply delete the events in Outlook in your old one and import the events of the newer file. Google Calendar is dynamically up-to-date.

Use at your own risk. I do not accept responsibility for any consequences resulting from errors in the schedule.



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